Why Choose 5Spark?

Our Team

Together, we help our clients achieve tangible, measurable results. Focused on business outcomes — we bring a unique set of expertise and skills to the party.

Our Distinguishing Values

At 5Spark, we are driven by a commitment to excellence, integrity, and continuous improvement. Our foundation lies in the principles of 5S, guiding our dedication to creating organized, efficient, and safe workplaces for the dealerships we work with. We believe in empowering our clients to unlock their full potential, fostering a culture where safety, innovation, and operational excellence thrives.




Our Approach

  • The Why

    Identify and communicate the Why
  • The Team

    Establish a champion and 5S team
  • Train

    Train the 5S team and establish a charter and project schedule
  • Expectations

    Formalize 5S with a kick-off and set expectations
  • Execute

    Execute 5S projects, recognize and reward success
  • Repeat

How we do it

Our Tools

  • Virtual Training

    Powered by EdApp and completed by 5S team.

  • Workbook

    In 5S for Equipment Dealers, we provide you with an easy-to-use, step-by-step workbook for implementing a successful 5S program at your dealership. The book is written for all team members at an equipment dealership, from the owner and executive sponsor of 5S, to those on the shop floor or parts warehouse. The Workbook is organized into multiple sections, starting with an overview of 5S and ending with helpful checklists and reference material.

  • Audit & Scorecard

    Measure, celebrate and communicate your results.